The days of the cold call are (thankfully) in the rear view mirror.
Modern marketing = inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is all about bringing your customer to you through content like blogs, social media, and via search engines. This is a broad approach that focuses on creating a community and building brand awareness.
1. Don’t focus only on your products and services… Do offer well-rounded content.
Yes, of course, it’s important to promote your products with special offers, contests, reviews and more. But to serve your community, you have to offer more than that. You know who your customer is. Right? What are they passionate about? Use the answer to that question to build inbound marketing campaigns that offer engaging information, education, and entertainment.
2. Don’t over or under saturate… Do take the time to test rate and timing of content release.
Post too much and valuable content will get lost in the chaos. Post too infrequently or on too random of a schedule and consumers will lose interest. With social media and blogging, take the time to find a rhythm that you can stay on consistently and has consistent engagement rates.
3. Don’t be afraid to promote outside of your own content… Do connect with like-minded companies.
We can’t say this enough; modern inbound marketing is all about building a community. Chances are that you can’t fulfill every need of that community. Don’t shy away from that, embrace it! Connect with non-compete companies in the same space to share content on each
Connect with non-competitors in the same space to share content on each other’s blogs and promote each other’s content through your social accounts. This will expand your audience, give you more content to post, and, most importantly, boost your SEO.
4. Don’t offer “fluff”… Do focus on quality.
This one should be self-evident! If you want your customers to trust in the quality of your products and services, your content should reflect that quality.
5. Don’t focus only on ROI… Do keep an eye out for ROI opportunities.
Inbound marketing is all about the long game. Not every campaign will have immediate ROI – and that shouldn’t be your goal with every campaign. But the opportunities for ROI are out there, particularly on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook that are excellent for promoting and tracking special offers and specific products or services.
Ready to start your next campaign? We can help. Contact us and let’s get started!

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